York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 13--Trade in Servants 24 July 1707 Be it Known unto all men by these presents That wee Thomas Taillor John Taillor William Arnold and Thomas Harwood of London Merchants John Silke of London Pewterer Thomas Moore of London Distiller and Daniell Oley of London Haberdasher owners of the ship Thomas & John whereof Robert Ransome late was and William Mackett now is Commander have made Ordained authorized Constituted & Appointed and by these presents doe make Ordaine Authorize Constitute & Appoint Collonel Dudley Digges of Virginia Esqr our true & Lawfull Attorney for us & in our severall names and steads and for our severall uses to ask Demand sue for Levy Recover & receive of and from all & every or any person or persons whom it doth shall or may Concerne all such sume & sumes of Money and other demands whatsoever as is or are or shall or may be due owing coming or belonging unto us for the Prise of any Negroe Slave or Slaves part of the Cargoe of Slaves lately brought in the said ship from Guinea to Virginia aforesaid as well Menconed in certaine Bills of Exchange drawne in Virginia aforesaid on sundry persons in England and payable or Indorsed to us the said owners or some of us and which are or shall be protested as otherwise howsoever and allsoe as such other Sume & Sumes of Money and other Demands whatsoever as is or are or shall be due oweing or belonging unto us for or in respect of the freight Earnings and profitts or otherwise of the said Ship or vessell in the voyage aforesaid Giveing and by these presents Granting unto our said Attorney our & every of our full powers & absolute Authoritys in and touching the premises and every or any part thereof by all Lawfull Wayes and Meanes whatsoever according to the Laws Constitutions and Customes of the Country to doe say sue Implead prosecute pursue seize sequester arrest Attach Imprison and to Condemne and out of Prison to deliver and to Compound recover Receive Release Agree Acquitt & Discharge and one Attorney or more under him to Substitute and Appoint and at his pleasure to revoke and Generally to do performe and Accomplish all and every or any such further and other Lawfull and reasonable acts Matters and things whatsoever as shall be Meet Needfull or Expedient to be done in and about the premises or any part thereof as Effectually to all Intents and purposes whatsoever as wee or any of us might or Could doe the same personally and all and whatsoever our said Attorney or any of his substitute or substitutes shall Lawfully doe or Cause or procure to be done in and about the premises or any part thereof Wee and every of us doe & will Ratifye & Confirm by these presents In Witness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands and seales this fourth day of February Anno Dom 1706 and in the fifth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne (by the Grace of God) Queen of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c Thomas Taillor (seal) John Taillor (seal) Wm: Arnold (seal) John Silk for Thomas Harwood (seal) John Silk (seal) Tho: Moore (seal) Thomas Taillor for Daniell Oley (seal) Sealed & Delivered by all the parties in the presence of Thomas Bagwell Junr: Benjamin French The above Letter of Attorney was proved before us the the Oaths of the above named Tho: Bagwell Junr: and Benjamin French the 28th: day of June 1707 Tho: Ballard Wm Buckner Lawr: Smith At a Court held for York County the 24th: day of July 1707 The within Letter of Attorney was this day produced in Court and at the Mocon of John Clayton Atto: of Dudley Digges Esqr: is Admitted to record Vere Record: Test Phi Lightfoot Cl Cur Test Phil: Lightfoot Cl Cur Know all Men by these presents that I Thomas Carleton of Barbadoes Merchant for Diverse Good Causes & Considerations mee hereunto Moveing have made ordained and Constituted and by these presents do name Ordaine Appoint and make Collo: Dudley Digges Esqr: of Virginia my true and Lawfull Attorney for mee and in my name to aske, sue for, Recover and Receive of Mr: John Owen Merchant in Virginia all and singular such sume or sums of Money Debts Dues or Demands whatsoever that are any wise due unto mee the Constituent in the Island of Barbados and alsoe to account with all and every person or persons whatsoever and upon receipt of any sume or sumes of Money dues debts or Demands and upon making up Adjusting and Ballancing of Accounts severall & respective acquittances and other Legall Discharge or Discharges for mee and in my name to make seale and Deliver and upon payment and Satisfaccon of such sume or sums of Money or Demands whatsoever so made whether due by Bond Bill Deed Account Spetialty or otherwayes whatsoever to arrest sue Implead and Condemn all and every such person or persons as shall deny and refuse to pay satisfye or account for any such Goods Merchandize Sum or Sumes of Money Debts dutyes & demands as aforesaid are any wayes due to mee the Constitutent Giving and by these presents Granting unto my said Attorney full power and Authority to Transact all and everything that is Needfull & Expedient in and about the promises as fully and amply to all Intents Constructions and purposes as if I were actually and personally present and one Attorney or more if Occasion be to substitute hereby Ratifying and Confirming as stable and firme all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall Lawfully doe or Cause to bee done in or about the Executing the same by vertue of these presents In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and affixed my seale this seaventh day of May One Thousand seaven hundred & seaven Anno Domini &c. Thomas Carleton (seal) Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us John Wells William Griffin At a Court held for York County the 24th: day of July 1707 This day the above Letter of Atto: was produced in Cur and proved by the oath of John Wells one of the Witnesses thereto and at Mocon of Mr: John Clayton Atto: of the said Diggs is admitted to record Test Phi Lightfoot Cl Cur Vere Record Test Phi Lightfoot Cl Cur Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (13) 79-80.